Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Gilles Barthe [IMDEA Software Institute] , François Dupressoir [IMDEA Software Institute] , Benjamin Grégoire [correspondant] , César Kunz [IMDEA Software Institute] , Benedikt Schmid [IMDEA Software Institute] , Pierre-Yves Strub [IMDEA Software Institute] .

EasyCrypt is a toolset for reasoning about relational properties of probabilistic computations with adversarial code. Its main application is the construction and verification of game-based cryptographic proofs. EasyCrypt can also be used for reasoning about differential privacy.

ZooCrypt is an automated tool for analyzing the security of padding-based public-key encryption schemes (i.e. schemes built from trapdoor permutations and hash functions). ZooCrypt includes an experimental mechanism to generate EasyCrypt proofs of security of analyzed schemes.